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USA Section of the Academy of Dentistry International


A Fellowship in the Academy of Dentistry International is a distinctive honor that is bestowed only if the accomplishments of the nominee are truly outstanding. In order to maintain the stature of the Fellowship, the Academy's Committee on Credentials and Fellowship studies and evaluates each nominee. 

Upon approval, the Board of Regents awards the honor at a formal convocation ceremony usually in conjunction with a major dental meeting. 

ADI Fellow

$195 per Year

ACTIVE FELLOWS are dentists who have met and continue to meet the requirements for Fellowship, have been duly inducted into the Academy and who continue to pay annual dues of $195.

Would you like to be considered for ADI Fellowship?

Honorary ADI Fellowships

The Academy may bestow Fellowship on a person who has notably contributed to the advancement of the dental profession in one or more ways, such as: Clinical Practice; Research; Education; Public Service; Literature of Journalism; and Service to the Profession.

Distinguished Fellow

DISTINGUISHED FELLOWSHIPS are conferred by the Board of Regents upon Fellows who have made notable contributions to society and the profession. The honoree retains all rights and privileges of the membership status enjoyed prior to receipt of Distinguished Fellowship.

Life Fellow

LIFE FELLOWS shall have attained the age of seventy (70) years after having been a Fellow of the Academy for at least three (3) years. The Board of Regents may also grant Life Fellowship in special cases, such as for failing health or other reasons. Life Fellowship shall be conferred upon all past Presidents. A Fellow in good standing may request Life Fellowship status via the central office for consideration by the Board of Regents. Life Fellows shall be exempt from annual dues.

Retired Fellow

RETIRED FELLOWS shall be those fellows who have retired from active dental practice and receive no remuneration from dental pursuits of any kind, but have not yet reached the age of seventy (70) years. A Fellow in good standing may request Retired Fellowship status via the central office for consideration by the Board of Regents. Retired Fellows shall be exempt from annual dues.

Honorary Fellow

HONORARY FELLOWSHIPS are conferred upon the International Dentist of the Year, upon non-Fellows of the Academy and upon non-dentists who have contributed to the advancement of the dental profession or who have made other such contributions to society as to warrant such an honor. The conferral of Honorary Fellowship shall be approved by the Executive Council of a Section or the International Board of Regents.

Do you need to renew your Fellowship with ADI?